funny quotes about life-quotes about life

Title: The Wisdom Found In Quotes About Life

In anyone’s life, but perhaps much more in these troubled times, there usually arise circumstances and events that can send individuals into despondency and despair. It's very easy to allow oneself to slip down the slippery slope into depression, losing the love of life and good spirits which are necessary to keep marching forward every single day. At a time when you feel low and dispirited, instead of immersing yourself in the output of the television set, or resorting to the liquor bottle, you might be surprised at the uplifting effects that can be achieved through simply reading some inspiring quotes about life.

quotes on life

The truth is that, despite the relentless coming of modern technology, the deeper facets of life and relationships are timeless. Wise people have understood these things for hundreds, no, 1000's of years, and in many cases their thoughts have been recorded for posterity. These pronouncements and thoughts resonate down the years and can still teach us a few things about what really matters in everyday life. Rather than investing far too much in the technical gadgets and gizmos that, at first glance, appear to have transformed human existence beyond all recognition, we should take a step back, and think. As Lao Tzu, the ancient Chinese philosopher said, “To have little is to possess. To have plenty is to be perplexed.”

Quotes about life are remarkable within their insight. When you are unsure what direction to go in life, or your enthusiasm is flagging, life quotes can put these difficulties into perspective and show you that, much as you might plan for the future, you should also accept whatever life throws at you. If you have a big project in mind, sure you should invest much time and effort in it, but bear in mind the words of John Lennon: “Life is exactly what happens to you while you are busy making other plans.”

If pressed, most people would admit that love and friendship are definitely more important than worldly goods and success, yet at the same time many people disregard in their daily lives what they know deep inside. Life quotes remind us, perhaps, from the truths we know. By focusing your brain on the importance of love, we are able to subtly change our course in life, readjusting our priorities where necessary. There are lots of good quotations about this subject, but the words of Oscar Wilde spring immediately in your thoughts: “Keep love in your heart. An existence without it is like a sunless garden once the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved gives a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.”

There are many different quotes about life that in their own way illuminate different aspects of life’s troubles and concerns. Sometimes the profound can appear in the guise of grim humor, as with Winston Churchill’s advice that “If you are going through hell, keep going.” But, whether humorous, fatalistic or joyous, there's much truth and food for thought on these sayings. The beauty of the web is that there are many websites now that obtain these inspiring and thought provoking quotations for easy browsing. Many people recommend these sites, saying five to ten minutes a day of reading such profound quotes keeps them concentered and motivated in life.

quotes about life